Having trouble in managing your inventory in your business? Do you have to keep track of all your inventory and goods on a piece of paper or book or any heavily paid softwares? If that is so, then this application will solve all your purpose.
Managers Kin
This application will help you manage your inventory for your business using a very simple and user interface. No complex set of ways to get your data into the system and keep track of your stocks.
- Add all your stocks to the system using a very simple form
- Keep track of your goods/inventory/stocks based on the number of centers in your business
- Ability to add/edit and delete centers from the center
- Ability to add users to the business and giving them appropriate privileges/access level.
Therere plenty of features coming to this application which will help you to analyze your business and understand your inventory trend.
In case youre looking for any feature, feel free to email me your suggestions and Ill try to pin it down into the application.